Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule

Share/Draft Account FeesAmount
Early Account Closure (first 180 days)$10.00
Inactive Account (after 12-mo inactivity, monthly)$10.00
Statement Copies$5.00
Return Mail$5.00
Transaction/Account research$25.00/hour
Non-sufficient Funds (NSF)$30.00/occurrence
Returned Deposited Item$30.00
ACH Origination Reinstatement Fee$30.00
Returned ACH NSF$30.00
Stop Payment (Draft, ACH, Bill Pay)$30.00
Notary ServiceFree
Copy of Deposited Check$5.00
Verification of Deposit$10
Mailed Statements$3.00 month/statement
Money Order Fee$2.00
Photocopy of Check Fee$3.00
Fax Fee$1.00 per page
Escheat Fee$100.00
Loan Fees (*See loan disclosures for additional fees)Amount
Loan Late Charge (10-day Grace Period)$30.00
Refinance Current Loan$75.00

Equal housing lender